Friday, March 25, 2016

Tournament by KFC sponsorship in Yokohama

Tournament by Kentucky Fried Chicken Japan Ltd. (KFC) sponsorship was held in Yokohama City, Kanagawa Prefecture on March 20, 2016.

In this tournament, it gathered 24 teams, about 130 people, became a lively competition.

Conditions are put in one person or more players of the middle class (12 to 65 years) to the team. Participation of relatively young players stood out.

Wednesday, March 23, 2016

6th China district Junior Youth generation Exchange Games

Junior, youth, the 18 teams in three divisions of the generation exchanges compete!

On March 20, 2016, at the center of the national junior and youth intended for all generations of players, "the 6th China district junior youth generation exchanges gate ball tournament" has been performed. Venue is the stone in the distribution first park in Hiroshima, Hiroshima Prefecture of Japan.